The Culinary Musings of a Good Eater

Casual glimpses Into the life of a good eater

Every last bite, gulp and delicious slurp for your viewing pleasure.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Learning how to cook venison

Now that I find myself with a freezer full of venison I need to figure out what to do with it. I have never cooked much wild game before, so there is a lot of experimentation ahead. Armed with the most basic knowledge of food science and cooking technique I jumped right into the deep end to sink or swim.

The first dish wasn't terribly challenging; backstrap medallions with a red wine sauce and some braised asparagus. No surprises here. The medallions were lightly seared, removed from the pan and then I deglazed with red wine to start a quick reduction. Very tasty and not at all gamey. The taste reminded me of lamb chops. Very tender and delicate.

From The Hollow Leg Diner - images

Next up; smothered venison loin with mushrooms, onions and gravy. Again, a very straight-forward preparation. This is flat out comfort food. I don't care who you are, that's some good eatin' right there. Sooooo good.

From The Hollow Leg Diner - images

Flintstones, meet the Flintstones.......
I didn't have a good bone saw when I did the butchery, so I had no good way to cut the ribs into two racks. Oh well; pre-historic dining it is. I liberally seasoned the ribs with a chile spice rub and then wrapped in foil. I put four racks in the oven at 250 degrees for five hours and then lowered the temp to 180 and left them in the oven overnight. Got up at 6am and had half a rack for breakfast. I painted the ribs with BBQ sauce and left them in the fridge all day. Warmed them up that night. Sooooooo-weeeeet. Ribs for dinner baby!!!! The ribs came out just right. Good results for the first time.

From The Hollow Leg Diner - images

Venison chili size! What more needs to be said?

From The Hollow Leg Diner - images

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