The Culinary Musings of a Good Eater

Casual glimpses Into the life of a good eater

Every last bite, gulp and delicious slurp for your viewing pleasure.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Bloody peasants

The bloody peasants might get King Arthur's goat (if you don't know, don't ask-just go watch Holy Grail), but they sure can cook. We've been making some simple peasant dishes here at the pseudo-autonomous collective lately. Lots of braising going on around here. That's a good thing, because it gives us lots of time to harvest the filth and debate the relative merits of various political systems.

BTW: Have you ever had an epiphany? You know; one of those moments where a shocking bit of self-awareness gob-smacks your ass. Yeah, I just had one of those. I came to the realization that I act a lot like Dennis, the constitutional peasant, in Holy Grail. Ask me who lives in the local castle and I'm likely to launch into some sort of political diatribe. It's a good thing that I'm right all the time; otherwise I would just be some insufferable tool.

Once again, I have mined the fertile ground of Food Wishes for Chef John's incredible recipes.

Cabbage rolls

This is the first time I've ever tried making cabbage rolls. I must say, I was pleasantly surprised. I thought that the cabbage rolls would be bland and unexciting, but they were very tasty.

From The Hollow Leg Diner - images

From The Hollow Leg Diner - images

Not very pretty, but yummy as all get-out.

Ricotta meatballs

From The Hollow Leg Diner - images

Awesome meatballs made with ground beef, pork and ricotta cheese; served on top of fettuccini and squash

Chicken D'Arduini The most awesome chicken recipe ever! You have got to make this recipe. Don't be scared off by the anchovies; they're goooooooood.

From The Hollow Leg Diner - images

The giant, kickass Italian family meal

My sister, Lori, her daughter, Kaitlyn, and her boyfriend, Martell, stopped by for a chance at the Gaxiola food lottery. Yahtzee!!! Everybody is a winner. Free food for life.....all in one meal. On one plate, we've got spinach-sausage lasagna, cabbage rolls, chicken D'Arduini and mixed vegetables.

From The Hollow Leg Diner - images

Yeah, I know my presentation and plating skills suck, but it was good. Just shut up and eat.

From The Hollow Leg Diner - images

There's more food on that plate than that kid has seen in the last year. She was a real trooper and finished at least a quarter of her food.

From The Hollow Leg Diner - images

At least Martell appreciated the rather large portion sizes. Maybe the daily football practice has something to do with that.

From The Hollow Leg Diner - images

A happy diner

Braised beef shanks - the ultimate comfort food

I found some nice beef shanks at North Gate, so I decided to try another of Chef John's recipes.

From The Hollow Leg Diner - images

From The Hollow Leg Diner - images

I doesn't get much better.


  1. The chicken was truly amazing--even Kaitlyn ate every last bite. Do you have a link to that recipe?

  2. Just click on the title of each dish. They are links to Food Wishes for that specific recipe. The Chicken D'Arduini is extremely easy to make. Do yourself a favor and serve it over some fettucini noodles. It is truly spectacular. Don't leave out the anchovy; it is a key to the flavor.


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